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Home to North America’s highest peak, Denali National Park also protects an incredible diversity of arctic and subarctic ecosystems. This untamed Alaskan wilderness provides the perfect habitat for an array of wildlife to thrive.

From the tundra’s small rodents to the taiga’s grizzly bears, Denali’s residents display special adaptations that allow them to survive the extreme winters and short summers. Discover Denali’s magnificent fauna, big and small, that call this park home.

Dall Sheep – The “White Mountain” Climbers

Clambering up mountain cliffs and rocky outcrops, the snowy white Dall sheep are a common sight in Denali’s high country. Their sturdy bodies and curved horns are ideal for scaling steep terrain across the alpine tundra. Watch for their robust forms navigating precarious ledges along mountainsides that soar up to 14,000 feet tall.

Caribou – Hearty Nomads of the Tundra

The wild and hardy caribou thrive across Denali’s vast tundra landscapes. These large ungulates undertake an incredible migration every year, covering up to 3,000 miles. In summer, look for huge herds traipsing over green valleys and ridge lands blanketed in vibrant wildflowers. Come winter, spot them digging craters through deep snow to forage.

Gray Wolf – Apex Predators of the Taiga

Ruling over the taiga forest, gray wolves roam Denali’s backcountry in complex packs built around close family units. Get lucky on a bus tour and you may witness them hunting moose or caribou as a coordinated team. Listen for their iconic howls echoing through the valleys as they communicate across their wide territories.

Brown Bear – The Park’s Omnivorous Giants

The most exciting wildlife viewing is spotting Denali’s colossal brown bears. Masters of the landscape, brown bears dominate with sheer power and adaptability. Watch them forage for berries and roots, catch salmon mid-leap from rivers, or lope through meadows surrounding the park road. Seeing these massive, blonde-furred bears is a privilege of touring Denali.

Arctic Ground Squirrel – The Tundra’s Tails-Up Lookouts

The small arctic ground squirrel may be tiny, but it’s a vital part of Denali’s food chain providing sustenance for foxes, eagles, and weasels. Called “parka” squirrels for their fur coats, these little rodents pop up on the tundra to stand upright watching for predators, flicking their tails. Their chirps and whistles chime across the open landscape.

Golden Eagle – Kings of the Sky

Soaring on nearly 7-foot wingspans, golden eagles are supreme aerial rulers able to spot prey from extreme heights. Watch for these skilled raptors riding thermals above ridges and valleys on the lookout for unsuspecting arctic ground squirrels below. With an extra chromosome that enhances vision, spotting these sharp-eyed avian hunters offers a special thrill.

Grizzly Bear – The Park’s Most Iconic Predator

Even larger than their brown bear relatives, grizzly bears command respect for their immense size and power. Though less numerous than brown bears here, lucky visitors may chance upon these silver-tipped giants in secluded corners of the park grubbing for roots and berries. Observe them from a safe distance – an encounter you won’t soon forget.

Northern Harrier – The Park’s Acrobatic Hunters

Watch for northern harriers coursing low over spruce forests and meadows, demonstrating acrobatic flight maneuvers in their constant search for small mammals. These slender raptors fly with their wings held in a “V” shape. And thanks to owl-like facial disks focusing their hearing, they can snatch a vole unseen beneath the grass.

For a wilderness immersion with nature’s most regal residents, few places compare to the raw beauty of Denali. Discover the incredible wealth of wildlife matched by the park’s stunning landscapes. Tundra, taiga, and mountains alike teem with Denali’s captivating menagerie.